What is malwarebytes free current version
What is malwarebytes free current version

what is malwarebytes free current version

This issue is resolved by refreshing the browser

  • Clicking on the Remediate button causes the Remediation Required indicator to lose its badge on hover and on click behavior-nothing happens on click (should give you the option to view details) and nothing happens on hover (should show “Remediation Pending”).
  • Current workaround involves selecting the “Restart in _ minutes” radio button, unchecking the “Allow user to postpone” checkbox, then select the “Restart Immediately” radio button and click the blue Restart button
  • When administrator chooses “Restart Immediately” option in the Restart Options dialog, end users are still allowed to postpone the reboot even though the “Allow user to postpone“ option is grayed out.
  • When administrators reboot endpoints from the cloud console, if the initial reboot task has not completed subsequent reboot commands are queued rather than replacing the initial reboot command (this would result in multiple reboots executing).
  • All Malwarebytes scans will inspect archived files regardless of the policy setting.
  • : Timestamps in Scan History tab for macOS endpoints are in GMT, and not the web browser’s locale.
  • : Scan History tab does not get information populated if Threat Scan does not detect any threats.
  • #What is malwarebytes free current version windows

    Modal windows are showing an unnecessary scroll bar.Exclusions that have been entered with short file name paths such as “c:\progra~2\” are not being applied.

    what is malwarebytes free current version

    Fixed: In some cases, when a reboot prompt is shown, the reboot timer sometimes reset with a 1-minute countdown.Fixed: Customers with large number of endpoints were unable to sort by “Last Seen At” on the Manage Endpoints page.Fixed: Some temporary files were being left behind after installation or endpoint agent updates.Fixed: The Deployment and Discovery tool would throw a 504 error when importing Active Directory groups that contained a large number of endpoints.Fixed: – When a Remediation action succeeds but Rollback action fails, the Suspicious Activity status is stuck and displays “Pending Remediation”.Changed our unmonitored email address from to to reduce the chance of Malwarebytes cloud console emails being flagged as spam.Customers with Syslog Logging enabled, Suspicious Activity detections will now be included in your syslog messages.We recommend administrators only enable this setting for their most sensitive endpoints. This setting is ideal for businesses with an extremely conservative security posture.

    what is malwarebytes free current version

    : Added an aggressive detection mode policy option for Suspicious Activity.This empowers your users with additional methods to run Threat Scans on their Windows device: Added an endpoint interface option that, when enabled, places shortcuts in the Start Menu and on the Windows desktop of the end-user’s computer.This ensures our protection capabilities do not interfere with common business applications or operating practices. Enabling this feature automatically excludes 18 registry keys. Malwarebytes detects Windows registry changes caused by common Group Policy Objects as PUMs. Added ability to automatically exclude commonly detected potentially unwanted modifications(PUMs).Additionally, you can add an optional comment or description for the exclusion. Now, you can control which layers the exclusion will be applied to and visually see at a glance which layers have been affected via icons in the “Applied To” column on the Exclusions page. Exclusions were globally applied across all of our layers of protection technology.In a single view, administrators can see whether an exclusion is enabled, the name, the exclusion type, the admin user who last updated it, when it was updated, and the protection technology layers applied to that exclusion.This provides administrators with visibility into exclusion status and enables them to temporarily disable exclusions-saving the previous effort and time spent permanently deleting the exclusion for testing purposes. Malwarebytes cloud console now features new user experience improvements for the Exclusions page along with enhanced capabilities.

    What is malwarebytes free current version